The College has been established with the following objectives.
To promote Educational Development for all sections of the Society
.Aims and Objectives of the College are:
- To develop the Vocational Skill, Professional Competence and managerial expertise, to improve human resource development of all sections of society through proper higher education.
- To Provide education to the students of English medium of Bilaspur district and surrounding area in English only.
- To carry out need based education for self reliance and self Employment.
- The Only English medium college of the district which provides opportunities to the 3000 students who pass every year to select college to their choice independently.
- A centre of excellence for education and short term training in focused areas of computers Management/ science.
- Serve as a catalyst in improving the quality of educational programme in computer application being offered by various institutions all over in Chhattisgarh.
- The college will be the earnest endeavor of the college to consolidate the system of technical/Professional/ Job oriented education so that the produce of the college is equipped with the competence & caliber of the high standards.
- To provide a system of multipurpose education in the Bilaspur city to meet the demand of the quality education.